Friday, August 28, 2020

PLA Artillerymen train in Gobi desert after long-distance maneuver from south

Soldiers assigned to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army rush to their battle positions during a live-fire operation after a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

Soldiers assigned to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army march forward quickly to their positions in high morale spirits after a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert for a realistic field training exercise in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

Soldiers assigned to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army rush to their battle positions during a live-fire operation after a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

Armored vehicles attached to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army rumble to a designated field in desert during a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert for a realistic field training exercise in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

Armored vehicles attached to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army rumble to a designated field in desert during a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert for a realistic field training exercise in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

A group of self-propelled howitzers attached to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army fire against mock enemies during a live-fire training exercise after their long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

Evolved wheeled vehicle-mounted artilleries attached to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army move to another training field in desert during a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert for a realistic field training exercise in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

Gunners assigned to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army get howitzer well placed onto the mobile firing platform prior to a live-fire operation after a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

An evolved wheeled vehicle-mounted howitzer attached to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army fires 155mm shells at mock enemy’s command post during a live-fire operation after a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

An evolved wheeled vehicle-mounted howitzer attached to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army fires 155mm shells at mock enemy’s command post during a live-fire operation after a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

Gunners assigned to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army stay calm and still under the fire during a live-fire training exercise after a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

Three wheeled vehicle-mounted howitzers sit abreast in combat formation, ready for a live-fire operation after a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

Soldiers assigned to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army take a short break in interval between operations. They were participating in realistic field training exercises after a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

Soldiers assigned to an artillery brigade under the PLA 74th Group Army take a short break in interval between operations. They were participating in realistic field training exercises after a long-distance maneuver from South China to northwestern Gobi desert in June, 2020. ( by Huang Hai, Fang Zekun and Weng Zhaozhi)

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