Wednesday, September 23, 2020

British the Royal Tank Regiment officers in the Kantemirov Tank Division inspecting the T-80UD

British the Royal Tank Regiment officers in the Kantemirov Tank Division inspecting the T-80UD

Via - The Tank Museum (Bovington Camp, UK)

The Soviet T-80 was the most capable tank faced by the British Army of the Rhine during the Cold War. Before the collapse of the USSR a photo like this, which was taken by a British soldier, would have been unthinkable, but as the west built a new relationship with Russia in the early 1990s access became much easier. This particular tank is a T-80U, perhaps the most advanced model at the time. 

Via - Stephen Harrison

Not only was this photo taken by a British soldier (me) of a T-80 UD from the Kantemirov Tank Division based outside Moscow in the summer of 1994, the driver and commander of this tank were British officers from the Royal Tank Regiment, part of a delegation from the British Royal Armoured Corps that I hosted.

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