Friday, December 4, 2020

Field Trials of the Ukrainian "Camel "Unmanned Ground Vehicles

The Ukrainian State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification (ДНДІ ВС ОВТ) conducted a practical part of the experimental tests of the remote-controlled platform "Camel".

The Ukrainian Army has begun evaluating the new Camel tactical unmanned ground vehicle with a remote weapon station.

The Camel is an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) assisting dismounted troops with equipment transport and developed by the Ukrainian company Global Dynamics. The new UGV has a modular architecture and full compliance with the Army’s interoperability protocols makes the vehicle easy to upgrade, using a wide variety of missions kits, and keeps life cycle costs low.

Operation of the platform is easy, each wheel has its own electric engine with epitrochoid harmonic drive to ensure robust torque transmission to ensure steady footing in rough terrain and on steep slopes.

The remote control is enabled via secure radio control channel with a backup fiber-optic line. Each Camel radio system extends the reach of network coverage and allows connection of additional MESH nodes. Modular layered armor allows quick replacement of damaged parts.

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