Sunday, September 20, 2020

Victor Avila Sets New World Record For Longest Handgun Shot (Video)

With New Technologies From USA1SHOT

RENO, Nev., Sept. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Victor Avila set a New World Record for the longest handgun shot on Wednesday July 29, 2020. He scored a 2,010 yard shot on a ELR target with a 10mm handgun. In addition, he scored multiple shots on a 1650 yard ELR target with a Glock 23. Victor used 1Shot Systems from USA1SHOT and several optical systems designed by Robert Gilmer and Jim Olson. C. Sawyer, the current World Record holder, coached Victor during the 90 minute shoot. Victor made all the shots from a standing offhand position.

The ARENA competition was started this year in Northern Nevada to demonstrate just how accurate handguns can be when used with advanced technologies.  USA1SHOT and EOTECH have been leaders in this technology that began as a quest to reduce the number of rounds fired in officer-involved shootings. Robert Gilmer of USA1SHOT says that if he has to shoot more than once, he has made a mistake. Jim Olson and Robert Gilmer decided to work together to create tools for handguns that would reduce errors and increase safety. The results are revolutionary.

U.S. Special Agent Victor Avila (Ret.) is an American hero who spent his career combating human traffickers and drug cartels. He is currently running for City Counsel in Southlake, Texas. Victor accepted the challenge of the ARENA and set a new World Record. Look for the fall release of "THE ARENA", a UIMAGINED  Production, featuring competitors from Law Enforcement, the Military, and the firearms industry.  

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