Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Close up of the newest Iranian A2G Qaem-114 guided missile

Close up of the newest Iranian A2G Qaem-114 guided missile. The Qaem ATGM looks like very similar with US Hellfire ATGM.

According the iranian sources, new missile have entri in service in last year. The images of a number of military helicopters overhauled in Iran suggest that the IRGC Ground Force’s Airborne Division has furnished its Bell 214 choppers with a new air-to-surface missile, known as the Iranian version of American AGM-114 Hellfire missile.

Bell 214 choppers with a new “Qaem-114” ATGM

According to Tasnim news agency, the weapons mounted on the IRGC’s Bell 214 helicopter, unveiled on december of 2020, are dubbed “Qaem-114” missiles, a new generation of the Qaem-class smart bombs.

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